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Concierge for your Soul

Nicol Schnitzer





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February Newsletter

February's Edition of Love Letter. . . 

A love letter is taking the time to share your feelings and your reflections with people you are invested in.  So while this is not a love letter in the traditional sense, this is a letter that emphasizes the relevance of the message.


So here is my love letter to you.  I hope this letter provokes thought and a desire to be part of the conversation.


As many of you may have noticed, January's Love Letter was not in your inbox.  My excuse is Mercury Retrograde.  I find myself running behind for February with really no reason.  So much has happened since I last wrote.  I will catch up by saying Happy New Year and Happy Valentines Day!


As we find ourselves more than halfway through February, what is the status of your 2016 resolutions?  Are they in progress or have they already fallen away?  There are many ways to set resolutions  I like to set mine by creating a vision board for the year.  As I was looking back on the vision board that I created for last year, I found it difficult to find anything on my board that I connected with let along recreated or accomplished.  This was very unsettling to me.  So before I sat down to create my 2016 vision board, I looked back on past events and took inventory of the patters that seemed to keep repeating in m life.  As I did this I asked myself "What is the store around these patterns?"  I then joined with friends and created my 2016 vision board with the intentions of this board being a reference tool to rewrite the stories as needed.  


As you set a resolution, see your story.  Start slow when rewriting your story.  It's okay if you have to edit your story several times.  We are not intended to be perfect.  If we were we would not have to work on any of this.  Once you have set the resolution, you now need to become a participant in how the new experience is created.  

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